

April 5, 2024
Always Be Ready for Spring Thunderstorms

As spring rolls around, so does the potential for thunderstorms. Wherever cool and hot winds and temperatures collide, strong storms are always present – even during the pristine and relaxing season of spring. To make sure your roof is ready for heavy rain, always do the following 1. Regular Inspections Regular roof inspections are crucial […]

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March 29, 2024
A Roofing Maintenance Checklist for Spring

The cold winter is gone and here comes the warmth and rejuvenation of spring. However, with a new season are new issues borne from the damage and deterioration brought about by winter. Here's a checklist used by roofing professionals to check the performance and condition of a residential roof. Inspect the Roof Surface Start by […]

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March 22, 2024
Home Aesthetics: Making Sure Your Roof and Siding Go Together

Whenever you look at a house, the first thing you notice are the roof and siding. These two components work together to create a cohesive look that can significantly enhance your home's curb appeal. To create a visually appealing exterior that looks great from every angle, here are a few things you'll want to consider. […]

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March 15, 2024
What To Do When You Spot Storm Damage

We know exactly what you feel when you see the leak lines creeping on your ceiling during a massive rainstorm or the loud impacts of hailstones during a hailstorm – you wish you could do something to prevent the damage on your roof. But, a high-quality roof (and ceiling) is designed to protect you and […]

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March 8, 2024
The Reliability of Metal Roofing During Spring

As the seasons change and spring approaches, homeowners turn their attention to the maintenance and care of their homes. One area that deserves particular consideration is the roof, the first line of defense against the elements. While many roofing materials are available, metal roofing stands out for its durability and reliability, especially during the unpredictable […]

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February 29, 2024
Different Kinds of Residential Gutter Systems

As a homeowner, you'll need the best gutter systems to keep your roofs in good shape and make sure no moisture enters your foundations and yard and spoils your garden. Let's learn about the different kinds of residential gutter systems you can use for your home in this post. K-Style Gutters One common type is […]

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February 23, 2024
Tear-Off Roof Replacement: Roof Structure Benefits

When it comes to maintaining the integrity and longevity of your roof, tear-off roof replacement is a crucial step. This process involves removing the existing roofing materials down to the roof deck or sheathing before installing new shingles or other roofing materials. While it may seem like a significant undertaking, tear-off roof replacement offers several […]

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February 16, 2024
Why Should You Replace Instead of Repair Your Gutters?

Gutters are crucial for protecting your home from water damage by directing rainwater away from the foundation. Over time, gutters can become damaged or worn out, leading to leaks and other issues. When faced with gutter problems, homeowners often wonder whether to repair or replace them. Here are reasons why replacing your gutters may be […]

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February 9, 2024
Why Are Sparrows and Doves Dangerous to Any Roof?

We think of storms, fallen trees, or even pests like termites as the biggest problems for our roofs. It's easy to overlook seemingly harmless creatures like sparrows and doves, especially because we've seen them in commercials and popular media to be quite charming and add to your residential curb appeal. What we often forget is […]

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February 2, 2024
Roofing Inspections During Winter: Debunking the Myths

As winter settles in and blankets our homes in a chilly embrace, many homeowners may wonder whether it's feasible or even advisable to conduct roofing inspections during the colder months. The misconception that roofing inspections are only suitable for warmer seasons persists, but in reality, winter inspections are crucial for ensuring the structural integrity of […]

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156 Torrington Rd., Winsted,
Connecticut 06098

Phone: 860-379-8863
Email: sjwinnconstruction@gmail.com