

January 8, 2023
The Benefits of Roof Improvement Before Selling

Buyers look deeply into the quality of the roof of a home up for sale. Put yourself in the shoes of a buyer: as one, would you buy a property with a poor roof condition that may break down in the next year or two? Surely, you would not. As a seller, improve your roof […]

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December 30, 2022
Why More Homeowners Should Be Aware of Roof Ventilation

You can extend your roof's lifespan by understanding the factors that keep it in good shape. For instance, regular roof checkups ensure professionals can find visible and hidden damage before they worsen. Other factors that keep your roof in great condition include ventilation and support structure maintenance. Most roofers barely mention ventilation and insulation because […]

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December 26, 2022
Always Use Top-Notch Local Roofing Materials

Roofing lasts because of two things: excellent installation and top-tier roofing materials. High-quality shingles have excellent resistance and a full-fledged support system keeping their structure intact through the most challenging storms and extreme weather conditions. That said, if you live in an area prone to weather problems, you need reliable roofing for decades. Top roofers […]

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December 18, 2022
How to Keep Raccoons Away From Your Downspouts

Raccoons, rats, and other small animals use your downspouts to climb up to your roof and nest in your attic or gutters. Small animals love creeping into small areas with moisture and warmth. As they grow comfortable, they would bring in materials from the site to create nests and multiply. Here are several ways to […]

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December 11, 2022
The Importance of Working With Certified Roof Replacement Contractors

Roof replacements give you a fresh roof to protect against harsh weather and environmental harm. A sturdy roof can prolong your home's lifespan and increase its value because buyers know its worth. That said, you'll want a top-notch roofer to install a new one for your property. But be sure they're certified, insured, and licensed […]

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December 4, 2022
The Importance of Soffits for Your Home

You've heard your roofer mention once or twice that your home's soffit needs repairs or replacements. Unfortunately, they might have difficulty showing it to you because of where it's situated. Some homeowners refuse to repair or upgrade their soffits for the sole reason that they don't know where it is or why it's important. In […]

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November 27, 2022
How Does a Roof Boot Help Your Home?

Roof boots are protective tools for homes with plumbing vents. These vents improve air pressure inside your plumbing system by removing gas and odor from your home. Furthermore, the vents aid your home by introducing outside air into the system for optimal airflow and drainage of pipes. A roof boot is a special cover that […]

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November 20, 2022
Prolong Your Roof by Protecting Your Gutter

Gutters are barely visible from the ground and contribute little to your property's overall aesthetic, but they keep your home's overall look in good shape. This system is responsible for leading off rainwater to your downspouts and public sewage lines. Gutters in bad shape will soon cause soaked yards and basement water damage. Gutter maintenance […]

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November 13, 2022
Should Your Roofing Aesthetic Be a Major Issue?

Roofs must look great and function efficiently. A functional roof can look beautiful and appealing. Fortunately, numerous manufacturers always keep these two principles in mind. Still, homeowners can mess it up with the wrong combination of trim and siding color. While it doesn't seem like a huge issue because buyers will still want an excellent […]

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November 6, 2022
The Benefits of Learning Your Roof's Age

Durable roof systems can protect your home for decades. Their freshly installed materials won't wobble, shake, or dislodge, especially if a reliable roofer installed them. With a sturdy roof, you can withstand severe weather for decades. You can even sell your property at a high value with a sturdy roof. Determining your roof's age is […]

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156 Torrington Rd., Winsted,
Connecticut 06098

Phone: 860-379-8863
Email: sjwinnconstruction@gmail.com